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XtraÇ is the first chip whose geographic Tronçais origin is authenticated by genetics.

-XtraC-en.cdrXtraÇ is the first chip whose geographic Tronçais origin is authenticated by genetics. Each batch of wood coming from the prestigious Tronçais forest is tested thanks to a genetic conformity analysis.


Used during fermentation or aging, from 1 to 4 g/l, XtraÇ chips develop full qualities based on volume, length and elegance. They help bringing aromatic complexity and mouth feel benefit.


The wood used for XtraÇ is naturally seasoned for 48 months in our yards in order to optimize the organoleptic potential of Tronçais oak.


XtraChêne has developed a completely new toasting, long and light, fully expressing all the qualities of the exceptional Tronçais forest oaks, for more complexity and better preservation of the tannins.



For more information, please download XtraÇ product sheet